Saturday 24 March 2012

New Zealand Babies Out of the Nest Box

The New Zealand baby rabbits are now able to hop out of their nest box. The babies could get out of their nest box usually between 10-12 days after birth and they try to follow their mother around. We usually remove the nest box out of the cage 15-18 days after the rabbit gives birth. This is also the time when they start to nibble on whatever it is that their mother is eating which is why it is important that we maintain the cleanliness in the rabbitry and keep the floor of the cages free from their droppings. Rabbits have two kinds of droppings, one is called fecal droppings which are true feces. These are rounded and hard and it doesn't smell but you usually find them on the floor under the cages but in our case, they usually end up rolling down into the gutter. The other is called cecotropes and is slightly wet with a slight stinky odor. The rabbits ingest this cecotropes back as it exits their anus but we don't usually see this happening because they seem to hide it somehow. So when and if you see a rabbit with its head on its anus, there is no need to be alarmed. The rabbit is only happily ingesting back the undigested cecotropes as this is packed with rich vitamins and minerals which is essential for their immunity system. We clean out their cages twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. We wash down the dropping board with water to clean out the smell of urine so the baby rabbits will not get sick. 

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