Last Saturday ( July 08, 2012), I bred-back for the second time the black doe of Cinnamon breed and the New Zealand white doe with the Junior Chinchilla buck. This buck is from the 3rd litter of my original stock of Chinchilla doe. I call him Junior Chinchilla to differentiate him from his father which was already sold sometime ago. I would have used the New Zealand buck to mate with the New Zealand doe but I wanted to see if the malocclusion problem will still come up on the doe's 3rd litter. This is why I had her mated with the Junior Chinchilla buck.
New Zealand doe |
2nd Generation Cinnamon Replacement doe |
New Zealand buck |
Junior Chinchilla buck |
I also kept one female from the 3rd generation of my original stock of Chinchilla doe and raised her as replacement doe. Since this doe is a sibling of the Junior Chinchilla buck, I could not mate them together to avoid inbreeding. So I used the New Zealand buck instead to mate with this doe. What was so funny about it was that after their first mating, the doe kept still just lying on her back and I was afraid that she may have suffered a heart attack! So I opened the cage and touched her gingerly but she didn't move! That kinda scared me. I touched her again and she jumped right back on her feet. I guess she was just shocked because this was her first time to be mated.
3rd Generation Chinchilla Replacement Doe |
Anyway, I also kept one kit from the 3rd litter of the Cinnamon doe and raised her as replacement doe. She did a lot of running and jumping when I put her in the buck's cage. I guess she was scared since this is her first time to be mated.
3rd Generation Cinnamon Replacement Doe |
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