Replacement Doe # 2 was born on August 18, 2011 from the first litter of my original stock of Cinnamon breed which was mated with the original black Chinchilla buck. When she was 5 1/2 months old, on February 04,2011, I had her mated with the original black Chinchilla buck. She kindled her first litter of 2 healthy pups on March 08, 2012. There is an advantage of having just a few kits because they do not have to compete with their siblings for their mother's milk. This is why they have grown so fast and so big. In fact, they are twice bigger in size than the litter of the other replacement does that were born on the same day. We get a kick out of comparing them to the other kits. One of the kits is a male and he took after his mother's color which is brown, while the other is a female and is grey in color. We're keeping this female again and will raise her to become a replacement doe just like her mother. Anyway, these are the first litter of Replacement Doe # 3 at 10 days old.
Replacement doe # 2 with her first litter |
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