When I first started having rabbits, I had 2 does of New Zealand breed but I lost them soon after for unknown reasons and I was devastated. I have always wanted to have some rabbits with red eyes. So when a neighbor who started raising rabbits ahead of me came to ask if I wanted to buy one of her New Zealand does, I readily agreed but asked if I could take a look at the rabbit first. She told me that she bought this rabbit from a pet shop when it was still small. Then she brought this doe to be mated with one of our neighbor's breeding buck and she kindled a litter but all the kits died. She thought that maybe what caused the death of the litter was the cold temperature because the doe gave birth during the rainy season. The reason why she is selling this doe is because she only wanted to maintain just 3 breeding does. She said that this doe has shown some aggressive behavior towards her whenever she tries to clean out the cage and she is kinda afraid of her. So when I went to visit her house to look at the rabbit, I noticed that they had a stray dog that is loose in their property. I pointed this out to her saying that the dog must be kept in a leash as this may be the cause of the stress in the rabbit which is why she is exhibiting an aggressive behavior towards her. So anyway, I paid 500.00 pesos for the rabbit and brought her home. So here is a picture of this New Zealand doe that is the latest addition to my rabbitry.