By extending 2 feet of the suspended cages towards the chicken coop, this allowed us to have a 3-feet walkway between the left wall cages and the middle cages as seen in the picture above. The red stool in the middle is used by yours truly because I am a short woman and this helps me to reach for any rabbits at the upper levels. Underneath the left wall cages are several plastic containers, this is where we keep the rabbit pellets. The 1-litter bottles on the floor are filled with water and this is what we use when we clean the linoleum floor under the cages. A stick broom and a dustpan is also on the floor near the bottles.

These are the cleaning utensils that we use in the rabbitry which includes a sponge, a hand towel, a hair brush for grooming the rabbit's hairs, 3 different kinds of brushes, a scraper and a handy blue torch with a small can of propane gas that we use to burn off the stray hairs that often clings on the wire walls. This is an easy way of cleaning the all-wire cages of hair and parasites by burning them with a handy blue torch.
Since the floor under the cages were made to slant to a certain degree at an angle, this allows the free flow of urine and manure to fall into the linoleum and down to the half cut orange PVC pipes which serves as gutters as shown in the picture above. These orange gutters are then inserted into the cut that was made on the black PVC pipe. The upright black PVC pipe is another scrap material that we have kept in the old pigsty over the years knowing that it would come in handy someday and it did.
This shot was taken from the doorway of the rabbitry showing the back of the upright black PVC pipe that is tied with a wire on the steel frame. This black PVC pipe is where the urine and the manure drains and these are deposited into the plastic at the bottom. The plastic at the bottom is actually a 1-galloon plastic water bottle and we just cut off the top part so this serves as a wastes bucket.
The bucket that contains urine, manure and cleaning water is then poured into this pink plastic strainer with another 1-gallon plastic water bottle at the bottom. We cut off the bottom part of this plastic bottle and turned it upside down and the mouth of the bottle is then inserted into a 2-inch diameter hole on the floor. This hole on the floor has a 2 inches PVC pipe that is buried into the concrete floor and this is where the waste water and urine is drained. So only the manure is left into the pink strainer and once it is dry, we put them into a bin with a cover.